6. Bibliography of Definition Sources
The following source references were used to provide provenance for HASSET Definitions. Where no definition source is shown, the definition has either been created in-house, or the original source no longer applies or cannot be determined. Unattributed definitions are checked periodically and may be updated with new definition sources.
Some of the references in this bibliography may have alternative acronyms. The acronyms provided below are those used within HASSET.
ADED | Wallace, S. (ed.) (2015) A dictionary of education, 2nd edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
ADOE | Allaby, M. (2015) A dictionary of ecology, 5th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
BRUNDTLAND | World Commission on Environment and Development (1987) Our Common Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
CDB | Pass, C., Lowes, B., Pendleton, A. and Chadwick, L. (1991) Collins dictionary of business, 2nd edn., Glasgow: Harper Collins. |
CMD | Martin, E. (ed.) (2015) Concise medical dictionary, 9th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
CODL | Matthews, P. (ed.) (1997) Concise Oxford dictionary of linguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
CODP | McLean, I. (ed.) (1996) Concise Oxford dictionary of politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
CODS | Marshall, G. (1994) The concise Oxford dictionary of sociology, Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DB | Hine, R. (2019) A dictionary of biology, 8th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DE-2002 | Black, J. (2002) A dictionary of economics, 2nd edn., Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DE-2017 | Hashimzade, N., Myles, G. and Black, J. (2017) A dictionary of economics, 5th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DEC | Park, C. and Allaby, M. (2017) A dictionary of environment and conservation, 3rd edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DEEE | Butterfield, A. and Szymanski, J. (2018) A dictionary of electronics and electrical engineering, 5th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DEST | Porteous, A. (1996) Dictionary of environmental science and technology, 2nd edn., Chichester: J. Wiley. |
DFN | Bender, D. A. (2014) A dictionary of food and nutrition, 4th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DHG | Rogers, A., Castree, N. and Kitchin, R. (eds.) (2013) A dictionary of human geography. (Online version) Oxford, Oxford University Press. |
DL-1997 | Martin, E. A. (ed.) (1997) A dictionary of law, 4th edn., Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DL-2018 | Law, J. (2018) A dictionary of law, 9th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DN | Martin, E. A and McFerran, T. A. (eds.) (2017) A dictionary of nursing, 7th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DOBM | Lackie, J. (2010) A dictionary of biomedicine, (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DOE | Porta, M. (ed). (2016) A dictionary of epidemiology, 6th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DOSS | Tomlinson, A. (2010) A dictionary of sports studies, (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DP | Colman, A. M. (2015) A dictionary of psychology, 4th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DPH | Porta, M. and Last, J. M (eds.) (2018) A dictionary of public health, 2nd edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DSM-IV | American Psychiatric Association. (1994) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV, 4th edn., Washington (DC): American Psychiatric Association |
DSS | Calhoun, C. (ed.) (2002) Dictionary of the social sciences, (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
DSWSC | Harris, J. and White, V. (2018) A dictionary of social work and social care, 1st edn., (Online version) Oxford; Oxford University Press. |
ELSST | ELSST Thesaurus (n.d.). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from https://elsst.cessda.eu/ |
ERIC | ERIC Thesaurus (n.d.). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from https://eric.ed.gov/?ti=J |
EUROSTAT | EUROSTAT: The Statistical Office of the European Union (n.d.). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/home |
FAF | Kent, M. (2016) Food and fitness: a dictionary of diet and exercise, 2nd edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
IBE | UNESCO-IBE Education Thesaurus (n.d.). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/unesco-ibe-education-thesaurus |
ICPSR | ICPSR Thesaurus (n.d.). University of Michigan. Retrieved 6 June 2021 from https://www.vocabularyserver.com/icpsr/ |
IEA | International Energy Agency: Topics (n.d.). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from Topics – Analysis - IEA |
ILO | ILO Thesaurus (n.d.). Retrieved 17 June 2021 from https://metadata.ilo.org/thesaurus.html |
ISCED-1997 | International Standard Classification of Education: ISCED (1997). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from https://unstats.un.org/unsd/iiss/International-Standard-Classification-of-Education-ISCED.ashx |
MDE | Allaby, M. (1994) Macmillan dictionary of the environment, 4th edn., London: Macmillan. |
MESH | Medical Subject Headings (MESH) (n.d.). National Library of Medicine. Retrieved 6 June 2021 from MeSH Browser |
MRC | Medical Research Council: Research (n.d.). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from Medical Research Council (MRC) |
OCSD | Concise colour science dictionary, (1997) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
ODC | Rennie, R. and Law, J. (2016) A dictionary of chemistry, 7th edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
ODSSM | Kent, M. (2007) Oxford dictionary of sports science and medicine, 3rd edn., (Online version) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
PDIT | Gunton, T. (ed.) (1993) Penguin dictionary of information technology, 2nd edn., Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. |
PDOP | Reber, A. S. (1985) The penguin dictionary of psychology, 2nd edn., London: Penguin. |
PE | Planete Energies: Topics (n.d.). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from https://www.planete-energies.com/en |
RDE | Rutherford, D. (1992) Routledge dictionary of economics, London: Routledge. |
SCMAHD | Dirckx, J. H. (ed.) (1997) Stedmans concise medical & allied health dictionary, Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. |
UNESCO | UNESCO Thesaurus (n.d.). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from http://vocabularies.unesco.org/browser/thesaurus/en/ |
UNICRI | UNICRI Thesaurus (n.d.). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from http://www.unicri.eu/services/library_documentation/catalogue_thesaurus/thesaurus.php |
WHO | World Health Organization (WHO) Health Promotion Glossary (1998). Retrieved 6 June 2021 from https://www.who.int/healthpromotion/about/HPR%20Glossary%201998.pdf |